Write your own ReStructuredText-Writer

Some time ago I decided to use ReStructuredText as the universal Format for nearly all content on my website. This includes not only all pages but also all blog entries like this one you are currently reading.

Soon after I had implemented the Django backend for my website and started hacking together some HTML and CSS, I felt the need to manipulate the generated HTML from the docutils package. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the HTML docutils created, but I'm a fan of very minimalistic but still semantic markup.

Let me give you a few examples. While producing content for my website I make sure, that I only have one <h1> per page, which is the title of the page.

Docutils creates the following HTML:

<h1 class="title">Document Title</h1>

But for me the extra class is redundant, because the h1 is unique on my pages. The output I want is:

<h1>Document Title</h1>

Doctils also wraps every section of the document into an extra div with an id to make it possible to provide anchor-links to specific sections. This is a nice-to-feature but I don't like it because it's not minimalistic, it creates too much extra-markup for me.

Different people may have different needs for the generated HTML markup, so if you are like me and want to change the HTML produced by docutils then read on and see how I've done it.

Docutils Internals

Docutils can generate different output formats. These formats not only include HTML4 and LaTeX but also a specialized HTML output for the Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP) and for the S5 HTML slideshow system.

The components which produce the output are called Writers and inherit from docutils.writers.Writer (or any existing Writer).

Everything besides HTML output is out the scope of this blog entry, so if we want to produce a modified HTML writer, than we should inherit from docutils.writers.html4css1.Writer. This writer has an attribute translator_class which assigns a Translator-class to the writer. The Translator is build by inheriting from docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor which implements the Visitor pattern for document tree traversals defined by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley, 1995). Here is an excerpt from the docstring:

Each node class has corresponding methods, doing nothing by default; override individual methods for specific and useful behaviour. The dispatch_visit() method is called by Node.walk() upon entering a node. Node.walkabout() also calls the dispatch_departure() method before exiting a node.

The dispatch methods call "visit_ + node class name" or "depart_ + node class name", resp.

This is a base class for visitors whose visit_... & depart_... methods should be implemented for all node types encountered (such as for docutils.writers.Writer subclasses). Unimplemented methods will raise exceptions.

To change the generated HTML output we will have to write our own HTML-Translator class which will inherit from the default docutils.writers.html4css1.HTMLTranslator.

Writing Code

We start by subclassing the Writer class to specify our own Translator class:

from docutils.writers import html4css1

class MyHTMLWriter(html4css1.Writer):
This docutils writer will use the MyHTMLTranslator class below.

def __init__(self):
    self.translator_class = MyHTMLTranslator

The next step is to provide our own Translator by subclassing the html4css1.HTMLTranslator class.

class MyHTMLTranslator(html4css1.HTMLTranslator):
This is a translator class for the docutils system.
It will produce a minimal set of html output.
(No extry divs, classes oder ids.)


That's enough 'infrastructure', every code written from now on (in the MyHTMLTranslator class will have direct impact on the produced HTML output.

As the excerpt from the docstring above already mentioned, the Translator class will have a number of methods starting with either visit_ or depart_. These methods will will be called while the document tree (created by the docutils ReStruncturedText parser) is traversed and will add stuff to the output. The Translator has an attribute body where the content for the output is stored. Additionally there is a context attribute, which can be used to store values between the visit- and depart-methods without writing to the body. An example below will hopefully make this clearer.

As an example here are the original visit_block_quote and depart_block_quote methods of the html4css1.HTMLTranslator:

def visit_block_quote(self, node):
    self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'blockquote'))

def depart_block_quote(self, node):

This turns an indented paragraph in the ReStructuredText source into a <blockquote> element in the HTML output. Everything inside the blockquote (the text) is further processed as a pragraph node.

Every paragraph is processed by these methods:

def visit_paragraph(self, node):
    if self.should_be_compact_paragraph(node):
        self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'p', ''))

def depart_paragraph(self, node):

There are two things to note here: First the *_paragraph-methods use the context attribute with append() and pop() as a stack to maintain a state between the visit and the depart method. The visit_paragraph calls should_be_compact_paragraph to decide if a <p> tag is appropriate for this paragraph or not. Depending on this decision a starttag (<p>) may be written to the body and the correct closetag is appended to the context so that depart_paragraph can append it to the body. This mechanism is needed, because the text in the paragraph may contain further elements, which are processed by other methods. If you use the context to store values please ensure that you use context.pop() exactly as often as you used context.append() so that other methods are not confused by values left-over in the stack.

Now comes our first modification to the HTML output. The html4css1 Writer will happily compact parapgraphs inside the blockquote element, if it contains only a single paragraph, but XHTML 1.0 Strict requires that the text inside a <blockquote> tag is always wrapped in a <p> tag. To achive this, we add a method should_be_compact_paragraph to the MyHTMLTranslator class defined above:

# add this to the imports: from docutils import nodes

def should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node):
    if(isinstance(node.parent, nodes.block_quote)):
        return 0
    return html4css1.HTMLTranslator.should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node)

Another example of a modification, which I made in the MyHTMLTranslator class is the handling of document sections. As I explained above, I don't need a div around every section, so let's have a look at the original code:

def visit_section(self, node):
    self.section_level += 1
        self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS='section'))

def depart_section(self, node):
    self.section_level -= 1

And here is my modified version, which don't add the divs around the sections:

def visit_section(self, node):
    self.section_level += 1

def depart_section(self, node):
    self.section_level -= 1

As you can see, I've just removed the parts, where the div is added to the body.

Using the Writer with Django

To use my custom ReStructuredText Writer on my Django powered website I started with the bundled templatetag. Django provides a restructuredtext templatetag in the django.contrib.markup package, which looks like this (some linebreaks added for better readability, marked with a \):

def restructuredtext(value):
    from docutils.core import publish_parts
except ImportError:
    if settings.DEBUG:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, \
            "Error in {% restructuredtext %} filter: \
            The Python docutils library isn't installed."
    return force_unicode(value)
    docutils_settings = getattr(settings, "RESTRUCTUREDTEXT_FILTER_SETTINGS", {})
    parts = publish_parts(source=smart_str(value), writer_name="html4css1",\
    return mark_safe(force_unicode(parts["fragment"]))

Only a single line needs to be changed to hook the custom Writer into the system. In the second line from the bottom the docutils function publish_parts is called and gets passed an writer_name argument. The only change needed is to replace the writer_name="html4css1 argument with writer=MyHTMLWriter():

parts = publish_parts(source=smart_str(value), writer=MyHTMLWriter(),\

Of course I don't modified the templatefilter in the Django source, instead I made a copy of the code and put it in an templatetag file somewhere in my project.

Now everytime I load the the templatetag in a template and apply the modified restructedtext filter to some variable the custom Writer is used and produces exactly the HTML markup I want.
