Saving Realplayer Streams

If you want to save a Realplayer-Stream, for example from an online radio, use mplayer. It's as simple as:

mplayer -dumpstream rtsp://stream-url

Sometimes it's a bit tricky to get the right stream-url (starting with rtsp://). If the stream opens in a realplayer plugin in the webbrowser right-click on the plugin and choose "copy stream url", then you get an url starting with http:// for the stream, now use something like curl:

curl http://stream-url

and you should get the right url as output. After mplayer has dumped the stream just copy the file named stream.dump to something with the fileextension .ra and you can playback the stream in your realplayer, without requiring ` access to the internet.

Veröffentlicht von Arne Brodowski am 30. Dez. 2005, 20:25 in .